Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wake up little shirt, you're on!

Have you guys ever bought a piece of clothing that you thought you loved but found you never wore it... until a few years later you rediscover this love and it's better than it was the first time? I think that might be this shirt for me. (I think Kendi wrote about this a while back regarding a pair of boots she owns. Something about her past self having her future self's back. Hehe.)

Hubby always refers to this type of thing as a "sleeper." Apparently when there's a guy in a sports game that isn't expected to do well but magically pulls it together and carries the game/season that guy is called a sleeper.

So there ya go. This shirt is a sleeper. It's starting to wake up, though :)


shirt: Macy's on sale (a few years ago)
jeans: Ross
belt: thrifted
shoes: wal-mart



Actually, I should probably be giving the belt the credit here, rather than the shirt. I've never worn the shirt this way before with a belt. It's supposed to be buttoned up the front but it's a little too big for me that way so I decided to try wrapping it. I know it's a simple idea that I should not be impressed by, but I've never worn belts at my waist before until starting this blog. Sydney from the Daybook says a belted waist can make almost anything better. I agree, miss Sydney! I agree.

What do you guys think? Do you love a belted waist too? How about other wardrobe tricks that you love and always find yourself falling back on?


-Tabby said...

Love the shirt. Super cute!!

Aubrey Anne said...

LOVE this shirt! And the term sleeper. Definitely using that one again.