Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to My Closet (well, part of it at least)

Five Pairs of shoes
(Clockwise from top left: Macy's, Payless, Wal-Mart, Payless, Wal-Mart)

Six Tops
(Left to Right: thrifted, Target, thrifted, Wal-Mart, thrifted, Macy's)

Three Skirts
(All thrifted)

Three Pairs of Jeans
(Yes, Three. Excessive? Maybe. I love jeans.)
(Top: Ross; Middle: Thrifted; Bottom: Macy's)

Three Camisoles
(Left to Right: Thrifted, Kohl's, Ross)

Two Jackets
(Left: Macy's; Right: thrifted)

Three Dresses
(all thrifted)

Four Sweaters
(Left to Right: Wal-Mart, Suzy's Deals (kinda like Ross), thrifted, Kohl's)
Plus one pair of black leggings that I didn't take a picture of. I almost counted those as an accessory, but ended up deciding leggings are more like pants, which should probably count. Sigh. Too bad I'm so honest. I could have had one more item in there.
Well, that's it friends. 30 items. And what did I learn while putting together these 30 items?
1. 30 items sounds like a lot more than it really is.
2. I'm not at all in the mood tonight to think about how I will wear these things.
I had this list mostly put together the other night, at a time when I was in the mood to think about how I would wear them. Hopefully I remember all those ways when it comes time to actually wear them!...
Um... that's tommorow...
P.S. If you're just checking in on the blog and wondering what this is all about, read this post

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Love of My Life

This is just too good not to share. I love it.

Anyone follow Jen loves Kev ? Well, if you don't, you should. She's super creative, has a beautiful new baby girl, and a wonderful husband whom she obviously adores. A super sweet little family.

Anyway, you should check her out today especially because she has a post about Love of My Life, a project Kev started for her last year about this time. Check it out. It's all about embracing and sharing the love in your life, whether it's a significant other or family or just love for the world. When I read about this it just automatically made me feel good and filled my heart with joy. Imagine if all the people in the world saw it and felt that same joy and love. What great energy that is!

I haven't downloaded my flyer and posted my picture yet, but I will be. In the meantime, here's a HUGE part of what inspires love in my life:


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I've had these pictures forever.

Ok, maybe not forever... but probably for like a month. I'm not even making excuses as to why they haven't made it onto the blog. Whatever... this is what I wore, blah blah blah... :)

Grey camisole: Kohl's
Cardigan: Wal-mart
Boots: Material Girl (gift from my mamma; from Macy's)
Pants, scarf, and belt: Thrifted

So guess what? Go ahead. Guess.... Ok, fine, I'll just tell you. I signed up for Kendi's Winter 30 for 30 Challenge. Don't know about the 30 for 30? Well you need to do your research, my friend. I'll assign this reading as your homework. There may be a quiz later. (ok, fine, there's no quiz.)

This challenge is actually part of what prompted me to start this blog. When I started reading fashion blogs and came across the 30 for 30 I thought "how fun! I want to do that." I almost had the blog up in time for the last round, but felt like I wasn't quite ready to commit to posting so much. Basically it's a wardrobe remix challenge where you pick 30 items from your closet to mix and match into 30 different outfits with no repeats. I'm joining many other lovely bloggers in an endeavor to make better use of the things I already own... Although I will be shopping prior to the start of the challenge for some staples that I feel my wardrobe is severely lacking. (Hey, that's not against the rules, right?) Sssshhhh. Don't tell Kendi ;)

Challenge starts on February 1st, so I'll be posting my line-up probably sometime this weekend!
I'm sure you've already guessed that part of the challenge for me will be actually putting pictures up. Honestly, I just haven't been that committed to the blog so far, but I'm looking forward to using this as a way to branch out into the blogging world and get into a bit of a routine with it. Routine is definitely something my life is lacking right now. I started school last week and my classes are a bit more challenging than I expected. Finding the balance between school, work, homework, and home life has been a little tricky, but I think I'm starting to get it down. Now I just need to throw in a daily outfit photo (and hopefully a running or workout routine!) and I might just figure out this life thing yet ;)

So here I come, daily outfit posts. Bring it on! (Apparenly it's feast or famine around here. Ha.) Should be a fun month people!