Tuesday, April 5, 2011

An Update

Well apparently I'm a cheater AND a liar. I really didn't mean for it to turn out that way, but.... I won't be finishing the 30 for 30. It just got so stinkin' hot right after that last post! And now all my 30 for 30 cloths are way out of season. So that's it. There ya go, the end of that fashion adventure.

Turns out I really didn't learn too much about my shopping habits or my wardrobe or how to shop my own closet in that time. However, I DID learn a whole heck of a lot about blogging as far as my blogging style and where I'm wanting to go with this blog. I mean, I still have tons to learn about that (obvs) but I just mean that I got a sense for what being committed to a fashion blog (or any blog) really means. I learned that blogging is fun, but it takes a lot of focus and patience too! I learned that I can't just willy-nilly post when I think about it or else I won't be posting at all. Which is actually fine, because who says I have to do anything in regards to this blog or anything else. Of course I don't. It's just that without a schedule or a plan I always have the best of intentions to post, and I want to, but it doesn't happen. (Yeah, the entire month of March has been a great example of that!) I learned that there are a ton of awesome blogs on the internet. So much so that I don't know how I would ever have the time to keep up with all of them! .... I learned that having a blog just about fashion is not enough to keep my hunger for a creative outlet fed.

So, I'm planning on revamping my blog a little. I've decided I'm going to start an etsy shop in order to sell some of my art, handmade jewelry, and handmade home decor items. I want to rework my blog a bit in order for it to stand as a supplement to that shop. This will most likely mean a re-name and re-design, as well as a new posting schedule that will include how-to and DIY projects for your home, as well as style and outfit posts. I want to go more in the direction of fashion/art/home decor (still on the cheap). I'm not entirely sure how to do that yet, but I've been working recently on some creative brainstorming. And I have a TON of projects going at the moment in order to get my etsy shop up and running.

I'm excited about this new project, but I'm nervous for it too. I'm finding myself going through a lot of ups and downs about it lately. One second I think it's a good idea and I have all these ideas for projects that I can't wait to get going, then the next I'm thinking that there's already so many great things on etsy, I could never compete with that, all my ideas are so amateur anyway.... blah blah blah. I suppose what it comes down to is that all of those things are true, but as long as I have fun doing it, and I try my hardest to make it a success for me, who gives a hoot about anything else. Right??? ... You don't have to agree. I know it's true. I just need to get my soul to believe it now! (You know what I mean?)

In the past I have pretty much only made things or created a painting to put in my own home (or on rare occasions as gifts for others) which sort of limits what I do a bit because I want it to fit within the particular style my home is decorated in at that moment. Husband would tell you that I change the decor a lot giving me plenty of opportunities to create new things (which is true), but I don't change the decor as often as I get new art ideas, or find myself being inspired by some color combination that would fit no where in my home. I think I have a lot of art projects in me that either go unmade or end up being stuffed behind the couch never to be seen by anyone. I figure this shop will at least get my creative juices flowing and maybe open up some new avenues for my hobbies. Lately the art I'm talking about is more on the crafty-art side. I've been really into paper and fabric. I have several ideas of things I can do right now, but I'm also wanting to branch out a bit. I'd love to learn a bit about paper making, and maybe work more on embroidery by hand. I've been painting occasionally for years. Every now and again I come up with something good. I have a few duds too, though. I'd love to develop that skill a little more.

So anyway, the shop isn't open yet, but I'm hoping to get it up this month. I want to have at least a few items to start. But I thought I'd throw this out there now so you know what I'm up to and where I've been, since clearly I haven't been here, blogging. I've been at the art supply store, and at the craft store, and in my office with paper and scissors.... and fabric and sewing machine... and canvas and paint.... making a mess! In the meantime (while I work all this out) I plan to still be posting, but definitely not every day. Just don't be startled when you start to see some changes around here. They's a commin'! ;)

And thanks for still reading, friends :)

1 comment:

Monique said...

It's ok to drop out! The main thing is that you learned something! Maybe you can try 30 for 30 another time?

Monique xx
